이야기꾼 - 인생의 희노애락을 담다

유나짱은 저 시미켄 때문에
Because of Shimiken,


시비둥절 ~ 남자친구랑 헤어지셨다고요?
You broke up with your boyfriend?


데뷔작 찍기 3일전까지 사겼던 남자친구가 있는데
I had a boyfriend 3 days before my debut


한국 남성분이었어요
It was a Korean


전남친이 일본어 히라가나만 읽을 수 있었는데
My ex-boyfriend could only read Hiragana in Japanese


보통 작품을 찍으면 대본이 미리 오잖아요 

Usually, when you film a drama, the script comes in advance


거기 남자배우 이름이
The actor's name is...


시미켄' 이라고 적혀 있었는데
It said, "Shimiken."


히라가나로 적혀 있으니, 읽을 수가 있었던 거예요
It was written in Hiragana, so he could read it


그런데 한국에서도 굉장히 유명하시니까
But he's very famous in Korea, too.


갑자기 현실감이 들기 시작한거죠
Suddenly, he started to feel the reality


시미켄이랑 야스를 한다고?' 이런 느낌 

"You're going to Yas with Shimiken?" Something like this


너무 화가 나서, 그대로 한국으로 갔어요
He was so angry that he went straight to Korea



Japanese Traditional sound


아무 말씀도 못하시네요 지금
You can't say anything. Now


급하게 화제전환중
When I first debuted,

오구라 유나



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